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The <form> element

We create a form using the <form> element. The action determines the endpoint which a HTTP request is made to. The method determines the method of that request.

<form action="/review" method="post">
  <!-- inputs here -->

Text and number inputs

We can make inputs of different types, such as text and number.

<label for="movie-title">Movie title:</label>
<input type="text" id="movie-title" name="movie-title" />

<label for="rating">Rating:</label>
<input type="number" id="rating" name="rating" />

We can create a drop down with values to select from using the <select> element.

<label for="genre">Genre</label>
<select id="genre" name="genre">
  <option value="action">Action</option>
  <option value="comedy">Comedy</option>
  <option value="drama">Drama</option>

The value of an option is what actually gets passed to the backend - the text inside the <option> tag is what gets displayed to the user.


A textarea is a bigger, resizable text input.

<label for="review">Your Review:</label>
<textarea id="review" name="review"></textarea>


An <input> with type="submit" displays a button which will submit the form (i.e. it will make a request with the method of the form to the endpoint given in the action of the form.)

<input type="submit" value="Submit Review" />