The facade pattern
The facade pattern allows us to create a simple interface around complex operations. The facade might provide less granular control of the underlying system, but in return it can be much faster and simpler to work with.
Suppose we have a smart home with lots of devices, and we want a simple way of activating "holiday mode". There are a few things we need to do with our different devices which would be tedious for the users to do one by one. We can solve this by adding a facade - which in this case is a single .holidayMode()
Suppose our SmartHome
class keeps track of our devices.
Although we haven't shown the code, let's assume that when a new device is created, it is added to the devices
array in the instance of SmartHome
class SmartHome {
constructor() {
this.devices = []
holidayMode() {
// turn on all cameras
for (let camera of this.getDevicesByType('camera')) {
if (!camera.isOn) camera.togglePower()
// turn off all lights
for (let light of this.getDevicesByType('light')) {
if (light.isOn) light.togglePower()
// set all thermostats to 5 (to prevent freezing pipes)
for (let thermostat of this.getDevicesByType('thermostat')) {
getDevicesByType(type) {
return this.devices.filter(device => device.type === type)
Now, instead of having our users go and configure all of these settings themselves, we can show them a button which calls
The user has less overall control, but a much more convenient interface.