Schema validation
Validation libraries
When a client sends us a large object, checking each property one by one is tedious. There are libraries such as Yup and Joi to help with this. We'll be using Zod.
Creating a schema
We can create a schema using Zod.
import { z } from 'zod'
const UserSchema = z.object({
username: z.string(),
firstName: z.string(),
lastName: z.string(),
email: z.string().email(),
avatar: z.string().optional(),
password: z.string()
Validating data
When a user sends us some data (which we will call the payload
) we need to check that it matches the schema, i.e. that it has the correct properties and that they are of the correct type.
const valid = UserSchema.safeParse(payload).success
if (!valid) {
throw new AppError('User data is not valid.', 400)
// if the error is not thrown, we can be confident that
// the payload has the correct properties
Do check out the Zod docs to find out more about what it can do.