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Introduction to Git

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What is Git

Git is the most popular version system. It lets us keep track of the changes we make to our code, work in parallel using branches, and revert any changes if something goes wrong!

A folder that Git keeps track of is called a repository. You can tell if a folder is a Git repository by either looking for a hidden .git folder, or by using the command git status.

We can also use Git to store our code remotely. We can push and pull our code to and from servers hosting copies of our Git repositories.

GitHub and other Git hosting providers

GitHub is a platform that provides Git hosting among other software developer tools and services. These providers often also offer:

  • Pull requests for peer reviews
  • Automation for building, testing, and deploying code
  • Bug tracking and Task management

While GitHub is the most popular cloud-based platform, there are many alternatives including GitLab, SourceHut and Codeberg. Some organisations even host their own!